Monday, May 17, 2010

As The Magic Descends!

There is this window, the window sill, then a small green grass field, then a tree as big as my grandfather, then a small road, then a vast greenery of so many trees, known and unknown, appreciated and forgotten,, I can’t see any further.

Its sunset time you know. It has just stopped raining outside; the last drops are hugging the dark green leaves, the soft green grasses, for they fear oblivion. I can see the bright yellow glow of the setting sun, in the farthest corner of the western sky. The last of golden rays oozing through the canopy of leaves, like the last smile of a beautiful face, before the serenity of a peaceful death descends upon her. many little birds are there all over the trees....Funny isn't it? How the sky and sun and even the breeze remains all same and only times change?

It's a few years later that today I am really watching an evening...When I was a kid, it was my favourite time and most favourite scene.Every evening i used to go to the rooftop of our house, it was quite high! Higher than any one nearby...I could see the the fading smoke of the very distant mills.All around there was that vast expanse of blue above, at times adorned with white fluffy clouds and greens below. How many colours are there actually? How can it be a meagre number of seven? You could never actually believe that...after you once look in the dusk time sky.

That was the time I first encountered the awe of feeling the infinity.

Ever tried to pinpoint the moment of sunset? You are seeing that glowing sun, the yellow one, the orange one , the red one, the redder one....oops! its not there suddenly! My eternal hide and seek!! I always thought its possible to just jump a little bit, a little higher than I could and one can in fact touch the sky..I still do.My little blue sky, my own window of the big...big... universe. It is the most amazing , the most mysterious and most wonderful sight I have ever seen.

Then that magic wand comes out and it starts, two, three, four... and all my friends come out one by one!! That blue one in the western sky, that comes out first always,isn't it? May be, you know, someone is watching me as well from some hidden corner of this cloud of stars!! My unknown, unseen,un reached companion. :)

Its quite dark now you know...the candles are toooo far away to write this down...its time to say ciao i guess!!!! ************** !!!!


Anonymous said...

Very well written... Sunrise, sunset, rains, clouds, and the greenery... how beautiful the mother nature is!!!

Moupiya said...

Thank you!

Sharmistha Sen said...

You are really a true lover of Nature because you follow and observe her with a keen sense of belonging and fondness. There aren't many people on earth who dwell so much on such fine aspects and minor details and hidden meanings. This composition really soothes the nerves...

Pintoo said...
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Mainak Kundu said...
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Mainak Kundu said...

Your blog reminds me a song by John Denver, 'Sweet Surrender'